This article provides a step by step guide for adding additional information to your auction listing on The Market (
What type of information and media should I add?
The cars in our most successful auctions have as many photos, videos and documents added to the listing as possible. There is no such thing as too much information, many of our listing have 50 + images and documents and this allows prospective purchasers to get a very good feel for the condition and history of the vehicle and gives them the confidence to bid higher.
Types of media that you should try to add:
· As many photos of all angles of the vehicle as possible, photograph the entire car, including the good and bad, including:
o External pictures, start out in front of the car and make your way around it, snapping a photo from every angle
o Engine Bay
o Interior (front and rear) Inside the car, make sure you take a photo of the seats, paying close attention to the driver seat, which tends to get more wear. You'll want to show dashboard and be sure to snap a photo of the odometer so that prospective buyers can see that the mileage reading shown is consistent
o Inside the boot
o Close up of wheels
o Close ups of any damage, rust or blemishes, our experience shows that the more honest you are the better your auction will perform as buyers will trust your listing
· Do you have Photos of any major works in the past such as restoration or paint? An invoice may say you had a respray but how good was it? Was it glass out, was the vehicle taken back to bare metal, were any issues dealt with? Only photos of the work really show this, so if you have then use in your listing
· Videos – There is nothing like feeling like you are next to the vehicle and mobile phones make taken a video easy!
o Walk around videos of both the inside and outside, preferably with the engine running give buyers a good sense of the vehicle.
o You can use our mobile apps to easily create videos, see details later.
· Documents and Invoices
o The more people can see has been spent on a vehicle the better they think it has been looked after. No matter how small the spend, it helps build a picture of a vehicle that they want to know
o Again our the Patina Apps on iOS and Android mobile apps make it very easy to scan paperwork, see details later.
How to add media to your listing using the Patina web application
1. Go to
2. Click Login at the top of the screen
3. Enter the username and password that you created when submitting your car to the Market click Login
4. Click Add Records in the left hand menu as shown below:
5. You can either add one record at a time or multiple images and documents at the same time (bulk upload). To add a single record go to step 6a. To perform a bulk upload skip to step 6b below.
6a. Adding one record at a time (see step 6b below for adding multiple record at once)
i. Ensure that Single File Upload is Selected:
ii. On the right had side, click on Select Record Type and select the type of record that you want to upload from your computer (photo, video, document, invoice etc)
iii. Click Choose File and select the relevant file from your computer
iv. Change the date to the date of the record e.g. when the work was carried out, when the photo was taken etc. This will make sure that your records are visible in a chronological order
v. Fill in any additional information that you want to add
vi. Click Save
vii. Repeat as many times as needed
i. Complete step 4 to access the 'Add Records' page. Ensure that Bulk Upload is selected (only photos, videos and documents can be added in bulk):
ii. Click Choose Files and select all the files that you want to add (as many as you want), just make sure they are all the same type e.g. add all images, or all documents etc.
iii. All the photos will appear in the main box in the screen and you will see the upload progress:
iv. Once the upload has completed you will be able to click Save
v. All your records will be automatically processed and you will be sent an email once it is completed
vi. Repeat as many times as needed
All the records that you add to at will automatically form part of your vehicle’s listing once your auction goes live.
These records really do make the difference between a profitable sale and a disappointing outcome.
Adding media to your listing using the Patina Mobile Applications
Our mobile applications for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android make adding media to your listing very very simple and are the simplest way in which to add videos and scan your paper history. Download from the following locations:
All screenshots and steps below are using our iOS on an iPhone but procedure is very similar on other devices.
1. Open the Patina Application from your mobile device
2. Ensure that Log In is selected at the top of the screen
3. Enter the username and password that you created when submitting your car to the Market click Login
4. Click the Plus symbol at the bottom left of the screen
5. Select the type of media that you want to add:
a. For Photos / Videos
i. Either take the photo / video from within the app or if you have the media that you want to add then click Gallery and select the correct image or video
ii. For photos you can crop the image or use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to adjust rotation if the image is orientated incorrectly then click Done
iii. Fill in any additional information that you want to add
iv. Click Done at in the top right corner
v. Repeat as many times as needed
b. For Documents and Invoices
i. Line up the document between the guides and press the take photo button
ii. Drag the guides so that the align to the edge of the document and press select
iii. To change the appearance of the document select the colour button on the bottom left and select between full colour, black and white and greyscale. Once happy press Next at the top right of the screen
iv. Fill in any additional information that you want to add
v. Click Done at in the top right corner
vi. Repeat as many times as needed